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TPC Tools
Authorized distributor of Sandvik Coromant
Greenleaf tools
Greenleaf tools

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Specializing in the manufacturing of high-performance tungsten carbideand ceramic grade inserts and innovative toolholding systems.

Greenleaf continues to build on 75 years of innovation and the legacy established by its founder Walter J. Greenleaf, Sr., which centers on supplying customers with productive solutions to every metal-cutting situation. Greenleaf facilities circa late 1950sThe corporation traces its roots back to the early 1940s when Walter J. Greenleaf, Sr. sold tungsten carbide tooling systems to the steel industry in Western Pennsylvania.
Greenleaf Corporation was formed in 1945 and began marketing a diverse line of products for the machine tool industry. Greenleaf Corporation moved into manufacturing in 1960. In 1969, Greenleaf was the first to introduce CVD-coated carbide inserts to the US marketplace

Greenleaf is a world leader in technical ceramic materials for medical, aerospace, and electronic applications. The company manufactures ceramic components that work where exotic metals, carbides, and traditional ceramics do not perform well. Greenleaf produces these ceramic material solutions to specific customer requirements utilizing high-quality raw materials and an extensive array of capable production processes.

Soluzioni tecnologiche by Greenleaf

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CATALOGO 2020/2021

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